Education given to a child teaches him a lot about everything. The process of learning and writing is education. Dreaming about carrier, aspirations etc have been taught by education which plays a vital role in everybody's life. Today invention and technology has changed the meaning of education as notebooks, pens, pencils, computers as whole of the work is done on the computer to save time and reduce the load of the work but earlier the mode to learn had write was slate and chalk two important aspect which have now vanished completely. As of today only small kids use these mediums or tools to learn and write and we tend to ignore that thing and instead give them to write on the piece of paper with pen or pencil. Slates and chalks are considered as the oldest form of writing as well as of school product. Earlier slates were made of stones which would break easily if broke. These slates were only tool for writing as kids as well as people used to do their class work and home work on these slates itself. These slates also had no weight as of now kids carry the burden of books in their bags. Also slate pencils or chalks were used to write on these slates as. Today with the change in time black boards are used in schools but the mode of writing tool has still not changed which is chalk. Now days even slates are made of plastic coating which is easy to carry for children as well as it is safe for them to use. Slate, chalk and duster all these three items compliment each other as these are connected. The use of slates and chalk recently has increased as kids get more attracted to it and buy these slates and chalks. Thus these slates as very much in demand today and are becoming popular. These slates can be an ideal gift presented on occasions with a chalk box as a complimentary gift.